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Showing posts from 2016

Am I losing myself?

Isn't masturbation supposed to tire you off to sound sleep? Lately, I can't help but contemplate post climaxes. I hear my stomach growl whilst I suck the cancer stick and acrimony surrounds me. Is it the lifestyle, the people, the weariness of escaping? What is it that stops you from being yourself? How hard is it to prioritise and stay happy? Well, the two are, apparently, inversely proportional. So you live with the thoughts of happiness in the long run? I fail to understand that philosophy. The clock ticking, the cursor blinking. How long is the wait? It is the moment. It is in the head. In your control. You need yourself before anyone else. Emotions or Practicality? A balance. A canvas. Colors. Nature. A blend. You've done it before. You'll do it again. At rooftop cafès when people came up to me, clutched my arm, "You play beautifully!" I'll charm myself before you again.

Till the blood dries.

  "The blood oozing out from the cut, gave me immense satisfaction."  "But where was the cut?"  "His neck."           I recently read about Nietzsche's thoughts on Morality and how the good and the evil have been reversed. He asks one to revise the existing norms and to live on ones mental instincts rather than following the herd morality. Isn't that a contradiction there?            The individual's mental instincts. Would they be good? Who decides the evil? Where do you cross the line?            When one is raped, why is there pressure on the law by the family? Would indirect foreordained justification calm your blood? No doubt Nietzsche spoke shit about democracy. 'A 16-year-old girl and her 22-year-old boyfriend were arrested for killing the girl’s adopted parents and leaving their bodies in the house to rot in an upmarket neighbourhood in Vadodara.' ...